The Farm

Dec. 13, 2004 ~ Losing Earl

I've written about him a number of times before, usually referring to him as "our friend." Because of privacy concerns, I rarely use the real name of anyone I write about here. But today I can tell you that our friend's name is Earl. He survived two nasty motorcycle accidents that would have killed anyone else. The doctors shook their heads in amazement. Husband and I spent one very long night in the emergency room, holding Earl's hand, listening to him swear that he was never going to ride a motorcycle again, because the pain was too great. He didn't like pain. Yesterday he took another spill on his Harley, this time just a small spill, and the bike landed on his good leg. But he walked away. Today he very sensibly drove a truck instead. Maybe he had finally decided that bikes would be his downfall. Maybe reason took over. So he got into one of his trucks, and I guess he was on his way to lunch. They think he must have passed out... maybe a mini-stroke. He hit a tree. A fireman let us know that he was being airlifted to the nearest trauma hospital, so we knew things were bad. A call to the ER doctor brought the worst possible news.

He said our friend had died.

I was sure he was mistaken. Earl was the luckiest person alive. He could survive anything. But he didn't.

He was over here not long ago... I'd made his favorite thing in the world, an Italian creme cake, and we shared cake and conversation. We sent extra cake home with him, and for that I am glad. He gave me a big hug, and that hug is now going to have to last me a lifetime.

We are thankful that he lived a wonderful life. And his death was quick... he did not suffer long. We've been making calls, letting people know, making arrangements for someone to take care of his dogs. Being sure the family is contacted.

Earl was more like a father to me than my "real" father. He called me his daughter. Well.

If you are the praying sort, I would very much appreciate it if you would lift Earl, his family and his friends in prayer.

Vaya con Dios, Earl. We'll miss you like crazy.

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