The Farm

Sept. 13, 2008 ~ Storm's coming

Though we are far inland, we are directly in the projected path of Hurricane Ike. We'll not have to deal with a storm surge, but strong winds and heavy rains are expected. We had offered our home to friends in case they had to evacuate. Yesterday there was an email from a friend farther inland, inviting US to stay with them should we need to evacuate! But that won't be necessary. Major concerns are flooding, trees being uprooted, and debris being thrown about by the wind. We have nearly everything that can be moved put into the barns. We have water set aside and plenty of batteries and candles, should the power go out. We have a battery-powered weather radio. All should be well.

We have a new family member. Her name is Katy, and she is a border collie mix. She's a house dog. She has special needs, as she has health issues. She appears to have mild brain damage. She's such a sweetheart. She's a bit afraid of the cows and the llama, but other than that she loves it here. And she'll get used to the other critters eventually.

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