The Farm

Jul. 25, 2008 ~ Mournful

"Sweet" is the one word universally used to describe her. And sweet she was. When she smiled, she seemed to radiate peace and joy. But several years ago she developed cancer, and she had not done much smiling lately. The past year or so she was in a great deal of pain. This week, her struggle ended.

What is it about bagpipes that always makes me cry? Always. Maybe it's because I only hear them at funerals.
Today the piper walked up and down the sidewalk outside the church, near where the hearse was parked, and played his mournful tune. Later he came inside and played during the beginning and ending of the service, a farewell to this precious native of Scotland.

I have written and rewritten these words, and still they don't come out right. I will miss her sweet smile, her kind words, her lovely, lilting accent. I'll just miss her.

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