The Farm

Sept. 21, 2007 ~ Mixed blessings

This has been a pretty good week, made especially so by one simple thing... the gift of time. My new, official time to get off on Fridays is 3 p.m., two hours earlier than in the past. I used to get off at 3 sometimes, but now it's official, and I don't have to ask for it every time. You may not think that two hours a week is a big deal, but it's over 2 full WEEKS a year. And I am usually so tired by Friday, just dragging, that it's a blessing to have just that little bit of free time.

My birthday is tomorrow, and this has been the week for flowers! Husband sent these on Wednesday and Daughter-in-law sent these today. They are both such gorgeous arrangements! Husband looked at his arrangement and then at the other one, and said that the other one was so much prettier. But I looked at his roses and smiled, because those flowers look like love, to me. Both arrangements do. So I am already feeling very special and pampered and the big day isn't even here yet. Tomorrow we are going to the Olive Garden, one of my favorite restaurants, and Husband and I are both looking forward to it. We talked to granddaughter on the phone tonight. She sounds so big and grown-up!

And now for the mixed blessings part. If you have been praying for our horse, Bucky, please continue your prayers. If you are not one who prays, would you please think good thoughts? He's had a setback, in terms of his respiratory infection, and he may be foundered, too. We thought we were done with medication for awhile, but now it doesn't look that way. Poor baby boy. He's so tired of shots, and taking medicine, and struggling to breathe. Maybe with the official start of fall, the temperatures will be cooler soon. And that might help him feel better. Hope so.

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