The Farm

Sept. 06, 2007 ~ Good news

It's been a rough few days. It looked like we might lose Bucky... he wasn't responding to medication, and he was obviously in pain. The vet has been coming by every day, giving him IV shots, checking his temperature and listening to his lungs. This morning Bucks looked and sounded terrible. At lunchtime he looked just as bad.

This afternoon I told a co-worker about the situation, and we talked about it quite a bit. She said she would pray for him. I told her I truly appreciated that. When I got in this evening I was afraid it was my imagination, but... it seemed like he might be, maybe, just a little bit better. Was it the prayers? The good thoughts? When the vet got here tonight, I held my breath while he checked Bucky's temp. It was normal! He agreed that his breathing seemed a little better, too. His appetite has improved and we are very relieved. But he is not out of the woods yet; he's still a very sick horse. His lungs sound awful. He is on powerful antibiotics and steroids, and we will have to see how he does when he goes off the steroids. The vet will come by every day for the next five days (I expect my next couple of paychecks, at least, will go for vet bills.) to give him more IV meds, and we will also give him meds in his feed.

Whew! I feel SO much better, knowing that my baby horse is improving. And when I call him my baby horse, well... when he was a newborn, in an effort to get him to "imprint" or bond strongly with me, I carried him around for a few days. Yes, he WAS kind of heavy! I petted him and rubbed him all over, and sat on a bench and held him on my lap. He was very content. That went on till he was a couple of weeks old, and too heavy and too big to be a lap horse. Afterwards, until he was several years old, he followed me around like a puppy dog, everywhere I went. There was no such thing as a private moment outdoors, because everywhere that mommy went, Bucky went, too. There are entire years when every single outdoor photo I took contains a big old horsey nose or head, because he was a camera hog. Or he just couldn't stand the thought of me looking at anything but him. Kind of like a half-ton toddler. So he IS my baby. I talk to him every morning before I leave for work.

Knowing that he's on the mend, I will sleep better tonight!

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