The Farm

Jul. 14, 2007 ~ The great underpants mystery

It was a busy morning at work yesterday, as I was trying to get ready to go on vacation. I came back from lunch at one, and it was an even busier afternoon, if that was possible. So I didn't take time to go to the ladies room until about 3:30, and what should I see there but a pair of women's underpants on the floor. Ahem. Did I mention that I work in a church? One does not typically see women's undergarments in the ladies room or anywhere else, for that matter. They were placed in such a position as to be visible to anyone walking in, or in either of the stalls.

The big question, of course, is who do they belong to? Is someone walking around with that nagging feeling that they have forgotten something, but they just can't remember what it is? This is, and probably always will be a mystery, because I can't exactly go up to people and ask if they have lost their underpants. And it's not something I care to mention to the pastor! The possibility of static cling did occur to me, that perhaps some unlucky lady had the delicates clinging to the inside of her slacks or dress and didn't know it, and while in the ladies room, the garment finally broke free. But somehow I kind of doubt it. It looked like they had been placed there on purpose.

I worked my wee little brain, trying to think of any women who had been in the building since the last time I'd visited the restroom, and few came to mind. But anyone could have come in while I was at lunch. So I'll just never know.

Answers to questions you may be wondering about but are hesitant to ask...

1. They were clean.
2. I picked them up with a paper towel and threw them in the trash, and then piled more paper towels on top of them. I was afraid the cleaning lady might choose this week to forget about cleaning the restrooms, and listen, I didn't want the ladies of the congregation coming in on Sunday and thinking they were MY underwear!
3. They were green bikinis.
4. Yes, I am POSITIVE they weren't mine! Good grief!

And yes, this is a silly subject for a journal entry, but hey, silly things happen.

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