The Farm

Mar. 20, 2007 ~ Looking back

(Written yesterday)

Four years ago today, I came home from work and paused in the driveway, looking at the night sky. The moon shined brightly, the stars glistened, everything seemed so normal. Of course, nothing has been normal since then. I remember thinking of Soldier Boy, in Afghanistan, sleeping under that same night sky. And now he is back there again, or nearly so. As of yesterday, he was stuck in Kuwait. What a mess!

The planes were running way behind schedule, and his luggage was misplaced. Not lost - the airlines claim they know where it is - it's in Germany. Just not exactly close enough to do Son any good. It isn't just regular luggage, with clothing and such. It has thousands of dollars worth of equipment which had to travel as checked baggage; it could not be carried on the plane. The most important item is Son's Kevlar, or body armor. He can't go into Afghanistan without it. So he waited. And waited. The airlines claimed the luggage was on a certain flight and he drove an hour and a half to the airport, one way, only to find that the bags were not on the plane. So he turned around and drove another hour and a half, back to the camp. No hotels available, no US Military camp available, either. He is staying with locals, in a tent. He was delayed going into Afghanistan, which meant that he would not get to spend time with the guys who are currently doing the job he will do. Their time was up, and they had to leave. As it turned out, though, they were staying at the same camp he was. He somehow connected with them and at least got to speak with them. Made him feel better. Me, too. But he is very apprehensive, because things are getting off to such a bad start.

Keep those good thoughts and prayers coming, please.

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