The Farm

Mar. 23, 2007 ~ Afghanistan

Son's bags arrived in Kuwait recently, and he was able to get a flight to Afghanistan the same day. As far as he can tell, nothing was missing. His Kevlar was there. A good thing.

So he is now living on an American military air base, in an actual building, and sleeping in a real bed. He says it's comfortable. We're relieved.

Daughter-in-law has made arrangements to visit for two weeks in May, and little precious Granddaughter will be here, too, of course. It's good to have something to look forward to, to take our minds off where Son is living.


Had some dental work done this week. Jaw still hurts, tooth still hurts, and now gum and cheek hurts. Blech. I worked hard on having a positive, cheery attitude, thinking how much it was going to help. Tried deep breathing throughout the procedure. But it hurt anyway, more than I expected, and now hurts worse than before. Plus I talk funny. Like I have marbles in my mouth. Or maybe just a small rock. It's a temporary crown, not a rock, and I don't seem to be getting used to it. Maybe that will happen sometime in the next couple of weeks.

We are doing a bit of rearranging, taking furniture and things to be sold at a garage sale at church. These things belonged to my mother or my brother, but you know, you can't keep everything. Sometimes you have to let things go, create a little space.

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