The Farm

Mar. 15, 2007 ~ This is the Day

We thought we had more time; we thought he was leaving at the end of the month, or the first part of April. But no, he found out yesterday that he will be leaving today, going to Afghanistan for a year.

"You'll have your team with you, right?" I asked.

"No, just me for now. I'm going first to get things ready for the others."

We do know where he will be living, an airbase where he lived once before. In another lifetime, while in a radio station recording studio, the DJ asked me to read a teletype news story on the air. It concerned this faraway land, Afghanistan, and a city I'd never heard of. At that time, there was a conflict with Russian soldiers. So the faces have changed, the nationalities are different, but the conflict remains. He will be in that city, living with the airmen and soldiers.

We hope and pray that our baby will be safe. We are sad for our baby's baby, and for his wife. The little one cried and cried, the week he was gone for training. I expect she will settle down and grow used to things soon, but I hate for her little heart to hurt. She's so young, not even two. Son didn't get to attend her birthday party, coming up in two weeks. He gave her his gift early, a tiny-sized tricycle. Daughter-in-law is a wreck, plain and simple. Husband and I have been through this before, twice. But it's never easy.

The last time he was in Afghanistan, we bought some chickens. Seems like they were a birthday present for me, chickens and ducks. We are down to two hens now. One was born here, but one was bought when Son was overseas. Last week at the feed store I saw they had some hens, almost laying size. Although we had planned to get out of the chicken business (so to speak), I think I've reconsidered. Maybe one or two more wouldn't hurt. Or perhaps a few.

Son is on the plane now, heading first to Kuwait, then onwards.

Vaya con Dios, mi hijo. May angels watch over you...

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