The Farm

Mar. 10, 2007 ~ Tis a fine spring day

What's that? It's not actually spring yet? Hah! It is in East Texas, and probably lots of other places, too. Maybe not officially, according to textbooks and calendars and grand poo-bahs who decide such things, but, when everything is budding out and/or blooming, it's spring. So there you have it. Outside my kitchen window a redbud is in bloom. Gorgeous. I tried to get a photo of it but it didn't work from the inside. Tried stepping outdoors and was immediately buzzed by bees. So no picture today.

Daylight Savings Time begins tomorrow and I'm thrilled. Though waking up in darkness isn't much fun, I do enjoy having more light at the end of the day, especially this time of year when things are so lovely outside.

Birds are singing, and the daffodils are blooming - though they are just about done. We're having a fellowship dinner tomorrow at church, and I was asked to bring enough daffs to make twenty-five centerpieces. That would have been no problem two weeks ago, but yesterday I had to go out and inspect them and count the good ones, to be sure there were enough. There are. I expect they will hold out until tomorrow, or maybe I'll cut them this afternoon.

College Boy is coming to visit today. It's spring break for him. Yesterday when he called to tell me he would be coming, he was surprised that his dad and I hadn't arranged to take our vacations this week. Actually, Husband had done just that, but so had three other of his coworkers, and that wouldn't do. Couldn't have the whole department off at once, so he will work. Let the younger men have time with their small ones. Ours are not so small anymore. Son usually doesn't know till the last minute what his holiday plans are, and sometimes they change at the last minute or while he is here. But we will enjoy this weekend with him, and our after work time, too. Gives him time to himself, to visit friends and do school work, so it will be fine.

Husband tells me that we have a new black cat. It has made itself at home with the other barn kitties. Don't know if it's male or female, or if it's really "ours" or just visiting. If it stays long enough, though, we will try to tame it and whisk it off to Dr. Susan for shots and such.

Yesterday I took off two hours early (since I have to work Sunday, to cover for a coworker) and tended to necessary chores. Took our papers in to the tax man and explained the odd bits. He will sort it all out and give us a call next week when it's done. Good. Because of several financial situations last year, I was dreading facing the taxes. So that's done, or nearly so. Also, there was time to take Meadow in for her shots. She always loves to visit her "Aunt Susan" and all the staff at the clinic. They make the pets feel special. This week I will pick up the horses' shots and Husband will administer them. And we can start in on the cats in a couple of weeks, when Susan is back in town. Next week she is going for a much-needed vacation.

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