The Farm

Feb. 26, 2007 ~ Things best forgotten

In her recent entry, a friend posted a link to a story about a rape victim who was contacted by her attacker, many years after the fact. He wanted to apologize for harming her. He needed to do it for his own healing, as he worked AA's 12 Steps. He admitted the crime. She called the police and he was arrested. Some people are now criticizing her for not forgiving and forgetting. Isn't that interesting? Isn't it just about the stupidest thing you've ever heard? Opinionated... me? Maybe a little.

I don't understand how people can criticize her. It's very nice that her attacker is trying to improve his life and bring himself some emotional peace. But surely this thought had to cross his mind, that the woman would not be happy to hear from him, that doing so would disrupt her life and cause her pain beyond measure, and yes, that she would have him arrested. Contacting her was like another assualt. Did he really think he would get away with it? Apparently so. In a plea bargain arrangement, the D.A.'s recommended sentence is 2 years in prison. Is it enough time? Hardly. Will it bring her peace? I doubt it.

But it's a start.

Some things are best forgotten. And when they're not...

there are consequences.

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