The Farm

Feb. 24, 2007 ~ Regrets

Something unusual happened this week. The person who did all the loud ranting the other day, apologized. Sincerely. She said how sorry she was that she unloaded on me. We both felt a lot better afterwards. But I felt a twinge of regret that I had spoken to the boss about the situation. It can't be undone, though. And now that he knows about it, I don't intend to bring it up again, unless absolutely necessary. As in, people yelling at me.

At my previous job, I didn't have to tolerate bad behavior from our customers. Granted, the customer was always right, and when people were treated as if they were right and their problems were addressed, folks generally behaved decently. On the rare occasions when they didn't, they were not welcomed back. One can't do this at a church. And for whatever reasons, people tend to feel a sense of ownership of their church, and they will behave in a church office in ways they wouldn't dream of, in any other public place. Or maybe these are the same people who are ugly to police officers, and excuse it by saying, "I pay your salary!"


It's out of my hands.

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