The Farm

Dec. 10, 2006 ~ Losing it

I am no longer a virgin. Whew! Glad THAT's over. It seemed like everybody in the whole country had done it but me. But I was waiting for just the right moment. Saving myself. I'd heard other people talk about what it was like, and I have to admit, it made me wonder. I kind of peeked to see how other people did it, feeling maybe just a little embarrassed that I didn't already know how. I mean, teenagers can do it! And now, I can, too.

I made my first eBay purchase today.

Oh, now come on. You folks on the notify list didn't really think I'd write about THAT, did you? Of course not. But you were just a little bit curious... in case I did. Heh.

Am I the LAST person in America to buy something on eBay? Seriously? You can tell me if it's true. I won't mind. It won't even hurt my feelings.

It was this Christmas tree thing. Wanting to go back to the days of my youth, at least in terms of trees. For a while now I'd been wanting an old aluminum Christmas tree, but it wasn't until last week when a friend from church told me that he had actually found one for sale (he bought it) that it occurred to me to try to find one.

The first website I looked at had a lot of beautiful trees, and one in particular seemed to call my name. It looked almost exactly like the one we used to have. But it was $295.00, and that seemed pretty extravagant. So I've spent the last few days looking at eBay Christmas trees, getting an idea of how much they sell for. There were some beautiful trees, which sold for big prices. Again, more than I wanted to pay. There were several I was watching, and I finally decided to bid on one less-than-perfect one... it was missing one branch (out of 94 total) and its trunk needed repainted, but it looked like a nice tree in need of a good home. Because it wasn't perfect, the bids were not as high as on some of the other trees, and in the last few minutes, I placed a bid. Those final minutes were scary! My heart was racing as another bidder got closer and closer to my maximum bid. But in the end, my bid was enough, and I didn't have to pay the maximum. The cost was about 1/3 the price of the perfect one, enough to pay for a can of silver paint and several extra branches (already purchased from eBay! Whoo hoo!), with money left over. Whew.

So that's behind me now, and with luck, the tree will arrive in time to go up before Christmas. Even if it's just for a few days, that will be okay.

On a different subject, I was making deviled eggs this afternoon when I glanced out the back yard and saw something so surprising, so unexpected, that I started hollering...

"Husband, Husband! There's a gun in the back yard! Get the armadillo!"

What I meant to say, of course, was...

"Darling, if you have a minute and it's not too much trouble, would you be a dear and get the gun? It seems there is a pesky armadillo in the back yard, in broad daylight, and I would appreciate it ever so much if you could kill it before it digs up the entire back yard and pasture."

He hopped out of his chair and sneaked quietly to the back door, and on his way I not so quietly said,

"Don't shoot the dog!"

Like he would! But the dog was a few feet away from the armadillo, and there were horses nearby, too, and I AM an animal mommy and do not want them to be shot. Well, except for the armadillos and the coyotes, and yes, even the bobcats. I do want them to be shot. Sorry if that's offensive, but there you go. It is apparently acceptable to kill some animals, but not all of them. It's okay to shoot bobcats, but not little cats, regular ones. See, the bobcats EAT the regular ones, and they happen to be my favorites, so I prefer that they are not eaten, thank you very much.

At any rate, the armadillo is history, and no dogs or other favorite animals were harmed.

I rode in the new truck today, twice, and I have to tell you, it is BIG. I am rethinking this whole "girl-truck" thing. It is fast and big and really roomy inside. I am tall, but I feel little inside this truck. And I can't see where the front of it ends. How are people supposed to park vehicles like that? Very carefully, I guess.

But even if it's a boy truck, it's a good truck!

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