The Farm

Nov. 10, 2006 ~ Lazy day

Today I will probably have to go to the evil place, the one with the initials W-M, to purchase a watch. Maybe it can wait till tomorrow, though that is a Saturday, and might not be such a great idea. My watch died yesterday, at 3:55, and I didn't realize it was five o'clock till the church bells chimed. Kind of a pleasant surprise.

It is Friday, and I am home. Taking a vacation day, sleeping in, being lazy. Yea! Except it hasn't worked out quite that way so far, unless you count waking at 5:00 a.m. as sleeping in. Still. I stayed in bed till eight, and that counts for something.

Today dawned warm and muggy. How muggy? There are puddles on the porch and it hasn't rained. A quick glance in the mirror revealed that my hair is as goofy as ever. It's in its second childhood, always misbehaving. It used to be halfway decent, in that I could blow dry and style it and it would look pretty good for a while, but those days are history. Now, every single morning, my bangs stick straight up. I call it my Woody Woodpecker look. The rest of it looks all thin and flat. I probably need a new conditioner. Or just new hair. New hair would be nice.

Meadow and I took an early morning walk down to the big pond. We had 3 inches of rain this week (Whoo hoo!), and it helped, but the ponds are still very low. Two inches of rain a week for about twenty weeks might do the trick. But that's not likely to happen.

What did I used to do before I worked full-time? I was bored by 9:30 this morning. And that included several hours of lying in bed, reading. I had an early lunch, went to get the newspaper, and watched a bit of daytime TV. Now what? Why is relaxing so darn hard? I need a project, something to do. Clean out my purse, maybe? The house was cleaned yesterday, and most of the laundry is done. What to do, what to do? Finally had to turn the TV off. Now I only hear the wind chimes. At least it is sunny now.

Both sun and rain are fine. We sorely need the rain, but sunshine, especially at this time of year, is so cheery. One nice thing about the recent rain we've been having is that it's helped the trees; it has given us some beautiful fall color. Oh, nothing like the spectactular, brilliant displays of foliage found in New England, but lovely just the same. And a welcome change from green or brown leaves!

On our walk to the pond I discovered clover, and new grass, and even some daffodils trying to sprout. Our seasons are all mixed up.

On a completely different subject, there was an interesting article in today's Dallas Morning News, about how veterans who have served in wartime may be eligible for benefits to help them pay for assisted living facilities or home health care. And it's not a small amount, either. The monthly benefit pays up to $1,470 to veterans, $945 to a surviving spouse, and $1,743 to a couple. There are income-related eligibility requirements, of course, but still, I think it's excellent. And this is the first I've ever heard of it.

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