The Farm

Nov. 11, 2006 ~ Revelation

Well, not so much a revelation as an Aha! Moment. Late last night or early this morning, however you choose to look at it, I realized something that is so painfully obvious I should have realized it long ago.

I work at a church, and attend that same church on Sunday. I'm a member of a civic group where many of the folks are also members of my church. My friends attend my church. So with me, it's pretty much all church, all the time. Well, duh. I could use some outside interests, don't you think? Other than the farm, the cows, and the various other critters on the farm.

I spend too much time thinking about work. I'm either at work or thinking about work stuff. It's not healthy. And I need to get up and leave my desk at 5:00, every single day, something I currently manage about once every two weeks.

Meadow and I walked to the end of the driveway and back, which is 3/10 of a mile. That's a pretty good walk for me, these days. Meadow mostly zig-zagged, though, running back and forth across the pastures. When I whistled for her to come back, she pretended she didn't hear. When I called her name, she had to admit she knew who I was calling, though, and came bounding up to me, doggy tail wagging fast and furious. "Hi, Mom! Where've you been? You were calling ME? I thought you were whistling for the cows. Or maybe the horses. But you meant me, huh?"

Tis a beautiful day today, sunny, with a cool breeze, and it's about sixty degrees. Think I'll go sit out on the porch.

Thanks for stopping by.

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