The Farm

May. 07, 2006 ~ Pink slips

A letter from an old friend arrived the other day, which made me stop and think. She's not so much a letter person any more, though she used to be. Now she's definitely a sender of cards. She enjoys choosing just the right one, adding a personal message, even picking a pretty stamp.

So when the letter arrived, and a thin one at that, my first thought was, "Uh-oh." In the back of my mind, way far in the very, very back, there's this ridiculously insecure little voice whispering that these are probably my walking papers. She has probably let me go. Having found me lacking in friendship abilities and talents, I'm being fired. Her letters used to be fat; this one was thin. Thin letters CAN'T be good, can they? When you apply to college, you hope for fat letters, not thin ones. Fat ones have all the necessary forms for you to fill out. Thin ones tell you ,"Sorry, we wish we could, but we can't. You aren't quite up to our standards. Or you are, but you applied too late." In the world of letters, at least in my world, thin ones aren't so great.

I opened this envelope carefully, halfway expecting to see a pink slip. But it turned out to be a cartoon from a magazine, with comments attached. So it looks like she is keeping me on for now. Whew. But really, I'm going to have to get with it and be a better friend. Write more often. Call occasionally. And send her cards!

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