The Farm

Jan. 13, 2005 ~ Jumping

I am praying for my baby, as any minute now he is scheduled to jump out of a plane no matter what. They usually cancel the jumps when the weather turns foul, but for some reason this jump is particularly important, and they most likely will continue even if the weather turns bad, as is expected.

"Surely they wouldn't put you guys at unnecessary risk, Son."

"Right, Mom."

"They wouldn't! That would be stupid!"

"It's the Army way."


College Boy left a couple of days ago and is enjoying being on his own again. We are enjoying our space, too! He called to say that he had bought all kinds of healthy foods -- baby spinach and carrots, bananas and apples, and bottled water instead of soft drinks. I'm really proud of him!

My throat is acting up. Feels like acid reflux and it's not responding to the usual treatments. It just burns and burns. Makes it painful to talk, too. And my back hurts. Whine, whine, whine... Sorry.

Okay. Soldier Boy should be getting ready to jump right about... now. Be careful, Son. A lot of people love you and don't want you to get hurt.

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