The Farm

Jan. 11, 2005 ~ New job

Well, it's official. I am well and truly crazy. I was just minding my own business, wishing we had more money, wondering where on earth it was going to come from. Thinking quiet little grumbling thoughts about my job. Really, really wanting to quit, but needing the money. And then out of the clear blue, my minister asked if I was happy in my job, or if I might be interested in another job. Working as his secretary. Well. The previous minister had also asked me to be his secretary, and I'd told them both the same thing, that I have no secretarial skills other than basic typing. But Minister got this gleam in his eye and asked me to come into his office, and he had only asked me a couple of questions when Husband and College Boy both walked into the room. And stayed. Later I told them it was probably the only time in history that anyone had their family present at a job interview!

In our church the hiring is done by committee. It felt very awkward, being interviewed by people I know. But I got through that on Sunday. Yesterday the official call came, telling me I had the job. It is full-time, and I haven't worked full-time in forever! So I am a little scared. The good news is that the church is close to home, so I can come home for lunch and visit Meadow and Pepper and the ponies and moo-faces. The pay is okay... and with a son in college we do need every penny.

Minister's wife stopped me in the hall on Sunday to ask, "Do you WANT to do this, or is Minister MAKING you do this?" Which made me laugh! I told her that I have never worked as a secretary and do not have secretarial skills and I must be crazy. Which made HER laugh. Everyone was gushing and all excited about me going to work there, and I wanted to say, "Wait! Wait! Let's see if I can actually do this first, before we get so excited!"

Anyway, I start next week. Acckk!

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