The Farm

Jan. 08, 2005 ~ Blessings

I wanted to share a couple of photos with you today. The first one especially touches my heart... Earl wearing his funny pants. The reason for the funny pants was his broken leg, still swollen and giving him trouble in this photo. At this point he was almost healed, though you can still see little bandages if you look closely. I teased him about those britches, wondering why he just didn't wear shorts. He had no real answer, other than that the pants leg was perfectly fine on one side, so why cut it?

This is him with his last Harley, the one he wrecked this summer. Well, it wrecked Earl, but didn't do much damage to the bike.

I never got tired of visiting him, but it truly was tiring taking care of him after this wreck. Just the dailiness of it, the driving, the going over there when I was already tired or didn't feel good... it about wore me down. But now I realize that it was a blessing in disguise, having the opportunity to spend so much time with him, having so many good talks, hearing him laugh...

Sometimes blessings turn up in the strangest places.

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