The Farm

Jan. 05, 2005 ~ Moving on

I would so like to be done with the sadness of losing Earl, and be able to move on and just have happy memories. But these things take their own time, it seems. We thought the dog situation was all settled and that they were fine. But one of them has run away. Hobbled off is more like it, as she was old and had trouble getting around. We are heartsick, thinking of her out in the cold and rain, hungry and alone. If something worse hasn't already happened to her. We have done all the usual things, called vets and shelters and such, but no word. Poor doggie.

I am probably crazy. Probably? No, I'm sure of it. Definitely nuts. I've been asked to consider taking a job for which I am not qualified. I do not possess the necessary skills, and the employer knows this. I also am not sure I would physically be able to work full time, because of the fibromyalgia. But people keep asking if I will do this, and I keep saying no, and finally I said I will think about it. So I'm to meet with a committee for an initial interview. If they are wise, they will probably choose someone else. I don't know what to think. Should I want it, or should I not? Husband is excited about the possibility of extra money. That would be nice. I'm just scared. Scared of getting the job; scared of not getting the job.

There's just no pleasing me, is there?.

Getting the job means a high probability of failure. Will I lose the respect of friends? They're the ones doing the hiring. But I never thought I could do the job I'm doing now, and I just faked my way through because we needed the money. But I no longer like my job. It isn't fun. It's extremely stressful. It doesn't pay as much as it used to, and there is a lot more work and tons more headaches involved. So I think these thoughts and grumble to myself and people toss job offers in my direction, and I think, "Accckk! I can't do that! Don't ask! It's just too hard."

Like I said, maybe the committee will decide to go with someone who already knows how to do this particular job. I certainly would.

Guess we'll see what happens.

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