The Farm

Dec. 01, 2004 ~ Holding my breath

A number of soldiers from the 82nd Airborne are on alert to be deployed to Iraq. It's a large unit, with something like 12 to 15,000 soldiers, so what are the odds that MY soldier will be deployed? I'm not a betting woman, so don't know much about odds, but there are probably many, many families all across this country who are wondering the same thing... Will my loved one have to go? Sgt. Soldier Boy recently completed some sort of advanced training, even though he is due to get out of the service soon. The rules have changed, though. Or the rules are being enforced, however you want to look at it. He may have to stay in. We are waiting to hear from him, all of us just holding our collective breath.

It was an interesting day. A routine visit to the doctor lasted a little longer than expected. The verdict -- my heart seems fine, it just beats a little fast. It was supposed to be a quick visit, a re-check, draw some blood, say hello and good-bye. But they wound up doing an EKG and keeping me there for a couple of hours. When they told me to relax during the test, I did! And almost fell asleep. Really, I am too young for this stuff!

Texas weather is always unpredictable, and this year has been no exception. We've had lots of rain recently, and it has stayed warm, so on Sunday I had to mow the yard. It will probably be the last time for awhile, though. Last night it got down below freezing, and this morning everything looked so pretty and white! It was just gorgeous! There was steam (mist?) coming off of all the lakes and ponds, and it was like driving through a fairyland. Even some of the cows had a coating of frost on their fur!

Our sick kitty is feeling better, thank goodness. We were sure worried about him for awhile.

All this chit-chat doesn't fool you, does it?

Yes, I am worried. A little. Okay, a lot. Why doesn't he call? I'm sure everything is fine. He won't have to go back. Right?

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