The Farm

Nov. 24, 2004 ~ Sick kitty

Pepper and I spent an hour at Dr. Susan's clinic this morning. Pepper is one sick kitty. Kidney and bladder infection and a number of other problems. Possibly diabetic. The high blood sugar may be from stress and illness. I will need to start checking his sugar levels. At any rate, he will need special care for the rest of his life. He has always been "delicate." Dr. Susan calls him "sensitive." Whatever you call it, he gets sick easily and gets stressed out easily. The thing that stresses him the most is going to the vet. We timed it so there were few other people present, but there were pleny of barking dogs. Pepper spent most of his time there hiding in a corner under a chair.

Susan has a baby owl! Someone left it on her doorstep so she is taking care of it, hoping to get it to the point where it can survive in the wild. Right now it won't kill its own food, which is a bad thing for an owl. When it gets past that hurdle, Susan will start thinking about releasing it outdoors. But it will be a slow process, and will take a while.

College Boy will be heading home later tonight. I am still a little nervous about the whole car situation, particularly about him driving it. The insurance adjuster looked at it today, and will get in touch with us with the numbers and such. This seems like it is taking so long! We have not had a lot of experience with accidents, but in the past, we always had other vehicles available to drive while the damaged one was out of commission. I think Son will be able to get a rental car. Do rental car agencies rent to drivers under 25? Is the limit 21 or 25? I can't remember. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

It is COLD here! Well, relatively speaking. It's currently 48 degrees but it's very windy, so it feels much colder than it actually is. Yesterday I was wearing shorts. Our weather has been so goofy! The grass is still green and the tulip tree has one blossom. Maybe I'll go cut that blossom and bring it inside. It won't last long in this cold.

We got the sonogram pictures of our granddaughter, and I have to admit, I can't recognize much. I think I see the umbilical cord and maybe the head, but mostly it looks grainy and dark. The photo labeled "Face" looks like the back of a head. But there is a baby in there somewhere, and we just know she is beautiful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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