The Farm

Nov. 21, 2004 ~ This week

if all goes according to plan and if the baby is turned the right way, we will know, more or less, if we are going to have a grandson or granddaughter. "More or less" because it's not a hundred percent accurate. We are getting excited! Soldier Boy said that he and Mrs. Soldier Boy test-drove a high-falutin' stroller down at the Great Big Toy Store. It had fancy electronics that told the time and temperature, it had wind and rain covers, storage space, you name it. And a fancy price tag to match. Still no word on whether or not Son is going to be deployed or not, but we are all hoping and praying for "not." Since the deployment is scheduled for when he's supposed to be out of the service, "not" only seems fair. But you never know.

College Boy was in an accident not long ago, rear-ended by someone without insurance, knocked into the car ahead of him. He had aches and pains afterwards but was too busy to go to the doctor or hospital. I KNOW he should have, yes, I promise I do. But he is a grownup and does not always heed my advice so there you go. He is feeling much better now. He was sore, and probably very stressed out, and worried because his car wouldn't start properly after the wreck. He had to have a new starter. The insurance should pay for it. The adjuster has not seen it yet, because last week all the adjusters went to a special training thing, but maybe he can look at it this week. It is especially hard because College Boy does not live close to home, so we can't look after him or check on him or anything. Husband hasn't looked at the car yet. Both bumpers will probably need to be replaced. We hope the rest of the car is okay. We can't afford to replace it. We can't afford the deductible, either, but such is life.

Husband is thinking of taking early retirement from his former company. He is not 65, so it would be a reduced amount, but he is worried that by the time he is 65 there may be no retirement fund left. He's heard of such things in the news recently, big companies in financial trouble going to court asking to be relieved of their obligations to their retirees. So we are checking into that. At the moment we are robbing Peter to pay Paul. And Peter doesn't like it very much.

Let's see... cheery news. I have my Christmas cards all done and almost ready to be mailed! They need stamps, and I'll get those on Tuesday, and will mail them the first week in December.

I am still feeling much better these days. My pain is about 50 percent less than it was this past year or two. That makes a huge difference in my quality of life! And I'm still feeling stronger, able to carry simple things like a twelve-pack of soft drinks, sometimes even two of them, one in each hand. That's impressive. My energy level has gone down, but that's okay. Today was lazy and quiet. After spending the morning at church and then shopping afterwards, I came home and curled up with a mystery novel. I'm reading Robert Crais now, which is entertaining. I think I'll get back to that book now. Lazy, lazy me!

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