The Farm

Nov. 12, 2004 ~ Happy news

After the stress of the election and the sadness of recent days, I am happy to say that today I have good news to share. Some of you already know this; some do not. Sergeant and Mrs. Soldier Boy are expecting a baby! Which means that I am officially going to be a grandmother! Husband's children have children, so he has been a grandpa for quite some time, but the kids have always called me by my name, as they already have a grandmother. It didn't seem right appropriating the title. But now I'm going into full-fledged grandmother mode, sending little things to Mrs. Soldier Boy, helping to feather the nest. I'm scouting around for a crib, so the little one will have a bed when he or she visits. Oh, and we are still looking for a grownup bed, too, for the grandbaby's parents! I've found Soldier Boy's blankets from when he was a baby. They were crocheted or sewn by my mom. They're in the linen closet, washed and in good shape still.

We do not know where the little family will live when Son gets out of the Army, if in fact he does get out. The Army is trying to keep him in. But we are hopeful that he will be not have to stay any longer than necessary, and that he will not have to be deployed again. The family may settle in her home state, or they may move here, or they may move somewhere else entirely. I would love for them to live here, of course! But if not, I will look forward to visits.

We had the privilege of meeting our sweet daughter-in-law in September. I meant to write about it but somehow did not. She is sweet, funny, pretty, thoughtful... what else? Oh, yes, she is carrying our grandchild! College Boy came up for the weekend and we all just fell in love with her. We went to the zoo, because Son wanted her to see it, and he showed her all his favorite animals. It was so good to see them together. He is happy. She seems happy, too. They both smile and laugh a lot. They are going to be good parents, I just know it.

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