The Farm

Jun. 04, 2004 ~ News

Soldier Boy is soon to be Sergeant Soldier Boy. It will go into effect in a couple of months, he said. It means more money, which is always a good thing. Do you have any idea what our enlisted men and women earn? Much less than they should.

He had some news which gave me pause. He is thinking of re-enlisting. He's been mulling that over for a while now. The reason he had wanted to re-up was to get training which would carry over into civilian life. Well, there is basically a stop-loss order in effect, which means that the jobs he had wanted are no longer available to him. And he is thinking of taking on a different job. Crew chief (I think?) and door gunner. He asked if I knew what that meant. He had to explain the crew chief, but unfortunately I know what a door gunner does. It is not a job that a mother would want for her child. But we cannot live our children's lives for them. They make their choices, and we try to be supportive, though our hearts may be breaking. He will probably decide this weekend.

I should tell Husband about it, but I think I'll wait till Son has made his decision. Husband is getting precious little sleep as it is. No point in worrying him needlessly, over something that may not come to pass. And if it does...

I remember how worried I was about him becoming a paratrooper. That now seems relatively safe.

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