The Farm

Jun. 03, 2004 ~ Hello, it's been awhile.

Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be anything to write about. At other times, life is too full and too busy, or the computer just doesn't call my name.

Recent weeks have been filled with good-byes. The twenty-year-old son of friends died, most unexpectedly, and our community shed countless tears. Soon afterward, a friend's husband died of cancer. Too young. Again, we all gathered to say farewell, to try to comfort. This week, a dear online friend lost his son to cancer. My heart aches for these parents who have had to bury their children, for the friend who has lost her partner. As always, I struggle for words at a time like this, and can only express my sympathy in simple terms. "I'm so very sorry."

With so much sadness all around, I feel a kind of guilty gratitude for the blessings we have. Husband has recently switched (temporarily) to working nights, and twelve hour shifts. And though it's hard for us both, we are thankful that he has a job. We hope this phase ends soon, so things will get back to normal, whatever that is. While he sleeps, I try hard to be quiet. No TV, or phones, or computers.

For the past four days, East Texas has been pounded by punishing storms. Two nights in a row, there were wind gusts up to 75 mph. We came through it more or less unscathed. We haven't checked the fences or the woods, though, so there may be trees or large limbs down. There certainly were elsewhere. So we are grateful to have come through the storms, and for the cooler weather they brought this morning. 86 degrees in June is welcome anytime.

This morning the puppy and I walked down to the big pond, and were pleased to find it completely full, for the first time in many months. Meadow took a dip, then shook herself dry, soaking me more than once. Of course she knew what she was doing! She helped me pick blackberries, though she eats all that she picks, and politely waits for me to give her some of mine, too. But she is helping, that's what counts. She's such a happy, sweet thing, and oh, how she loves water. We figured that she would love having her own kiddie pool, but it just seems to scare her. Funny how she will swim in the pond, with snakes and snapping turtles and various pond varmints and monsters, yet she doesn't want to step in a shallow plastic pool. For the moment, she thinks it makes a wonderful water bowl. A very big one.

Until next time...

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