The Farm

Apr. 15, 2004 ~ Roller coaster

He was due back last Friday, but Thursday night they let us know that all redeployments had been canceled, pending further notice. No one was leaving Iraq. I am big and brave (or so I think), but I spent most of Friday and much of Saturday in tears. Sunday... evening, I think... it was decided that they would get to come home. Would we get our Easter miracle? We were almost afraid to hope. Then the politicians and generals decided that the troops who were there should stay there, and more should be sent in, and once again -- same song, second verse. We feared they would have to stay. These have been a terrible two weeks, in terms of casualties. It has been hard to bear, hearing of so many young men and women, killed in the line of duty.

And then...

This morning, bright and early, the phone rang, and a young soldier's voice said, "Hi, Mom."

"SON? Can you say where you are??"

"I'm at the post. We got in late last night."

He had to say those words two or three times before it really sank in, before I really believed it.

A heavy burden has been lifted. Suddenly it seems as if a million wildflowers are in bloom. The sun is shining so much brighter than yesterday. And the sky?

Today the Texas sky is Carolina blue.

It has never been lovelier.

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