The Farm

Feb. 08, 2004 ~ Sunday

Sometimes the words flow easily and quickly; other times they do not. And some days all my words get used up writing to the kids. Yes, of course they are really young men now, but to me they will always be "the kids," or "the boys."

With College Boy it's mostly email, and there are frequent phone calls. That's the nice thing about him being so close. And it's good to know that he isn't going anywhere. As in moving. There were times when I would call Soldier Boy and I didn't have anything to say, but I knew he would be leaving soon, so I just wanted to hear his voice. I remembered the last time, when we went so long without hearing it.

It's been a quiet day here, cloudy, cold and gray, spent mostly writing letters, emails, catching up on this and that. I went with Husband while he fed the cows, and the puppy played with her toy lamb. It's really her very favorite thing in the world, her lambie. It's soft and has a squeaker inside. We would like to let her have it with her always, but she would probably shred it to bits. She already has the tail halfway chewed off.

Having a dog has taken some getting used to. Cats are so... undemanding, so easily pleased. Every now and then they will come up to you for some attention, but mostly they are fine on their own. Dogs are just the opposite. Or at least THIS dog is the opposite. She would like constant attention, and would like to be left alone rarely. Or never. And she wants to be petted, petted, petted! But she is sweet and playful and very loving. So this is what it's like to have a grand-dog.

The trick of adding "no spam" to my email address has not worked at all. So I think I will remove the email links from the journal. This means I won't be hearing from new people, unfortunately, unless they sign up for the notify list.

I keep writing and deleting, writing and deleting. This entry does not seem to say very much. Sometimes they don't, I guess.

Sometimes all the words get used up writing letters to the kids.

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