The Farm

Feb. 12, 2004 ~ Not big, not brave

There are a million reasons why I shouldn't join the water exercise class, and one good reason why I should -- I need the exercise. It's far away, and requires a long drive through traffic. I have a hard time with long drives, and I just don't much like traffic. Being a water exercise class, I would need a swimsuit. I don't have one, with good reason. Every time I try them on I get sad. Ick. The stores around here don't have swimsuits for sale yet, so I'd have to go to an unfamiliar store. Scary.

So I decided to be big and brave and possibly whine a little less, and just try. I went to the new store, and thought very ugly thoughts when trying on their suits. One came with "tummy control." Tummy Control? What about "too much hiney hanging out" control? Clearly, these suits were not going to cut it. They didn't seem to have enough fabric. So I went to the MALL, which is extremely scary. They have better lighting in their dressing rooms, and those awful triple mirrors. But I looked at the suits at the first store, an average store which I think of as inexpensive, and the suits were 80 and 90 dollars. It has been a long, long time since I bought one of these critters, so this was quite a shock. I do not want an 80 dollar bathing suit; I want a 20 dollar bathing suit, with just a little more fabric. Do they come in "tall?"

Every store I checked either had the super-expensive suits or none at all. Finally I found one marked "Long," which I think means "tall," more or less, and it covered more than the other ones, but it still looks extremely dorky and has a little half skirt/flouncy thing in the front.

I went to the water exercise place, which is in a scary part of town I did not really know existed. I went inside, checked out the facilities, gave them my money, filled out a form, and I'm good to go.

This is a scary thing. Did I mention that it was far away? In a bad part of town, early in the morning, and I have to wear a bathing suit? And possibly undress in front of strangers? Eeeeewwwww. But I have my little bag all ready to go, with a towel and a plastic bag for the wet suit, and I'm going to try it once. Maybe. If I do not oversleep. I'm very tempted to just hide under the covers!

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