The Farm

Oct. 25, 2003 ~ Are you having a good day?

Well, I was. Before the guy at the feed store bumped my truck's tailgate with the pallet on the forklift. An expletive escaped my lips, because the young man hit the truck pretty hard, and it was completely unnecessary. I've been buying feed for a lot of years now, and this has happened several times before, but this time he didn't just nudge it, he put a couple of dents in the top of the tailgate. He apologized several times. Then he asked if I was having a good day. Right. Well, the day had been good up to that point.

As dents go, these are not horrible. They are really quite small. People are not going to recoil in horror and point their fingers at me when I drive down the street. In fact, they probably won't even notice. But don't you hate to see something like this happen because of someone's carelessness? Clearly, he didn't do it on purpose, but shoot. All he had to do was drive a bit slower, and lift the load of feed up high enough so that it cleared the tailgate by several inches, then stop. That's the way it's done. The owner of the store wasn't there, and the young man in charge was pretty new, too. At first I wasn't going to say anything, because I didn't want to get the kid in trouble. But he needed a refresher course in how to load feed, or he was going to be hitting lots of trucks! And irritating lots of customers, and running them off. I'm not so sure I'll be going back myself, and it's my favorite feed store. I like the owner; it's just that he has a hard time keeping good help.

I try to live by the words, "Don't sweat the small stuff," and I surely think this is small stuff. So why am I so irritated? I don't know. Grumpy, grumpy me. A friend, Wendy, recently had a major accident . Wendy, thank goodness, is okay, but her poor van may not recover. THAT is a reason to be upset. A couple of small dents... that's an inconvenience. And yet I sit here whining! Husband, on the other hand, is not upset at all. Actually, this same thing happened to our other truck. It's just that the other truck (now totaled and gone) was our farm truck, and this one is my baby, my Sunday-go-to-meeting truck. It has a fancy pants spray-on bed liner, and it is a GIRL truck. It is delicate. It is not supposed to have people bump into it and hurt its precious feelings.


I do go on.

On a completely different subject, our ponds are very low. We do not recall seeing the water level any lower, ever. The grass is not doing so well, either. But it rained a little bit today. Anything at all will help.

Soldier Boy called today (yeah!), and in the course of the conversation, he was talking about his new barracks. He described the rooms, which he says are fairly nice. They even have microwaves, but no ovens. Gosh, you could get hurt using an oven! But they do let them use guns. Ahem. I asked him to send me pictures, which he says he will be glad to do. He also said he was considering getting a web cam camera thingy, so I could see the real thing! Soldier Cam!

I saw a big buck today, a big, boy deer, with big boy deer horns. He was awfully cute, though he would probably cringe at being called "cute." The other boy deer might make fun of him, and we certainly can't have that. So perhaps I should just say he was quite the handsome, manly deer, doing manly deer things. That, or he was running across our pasture and made a quick stop at the pond.

I still remember the day our neighbor called from his cell phone, to tell me to look outside at my front pasture. There were a number of deer grazing there, right out in the open, in broad daylight, and our neighbor had stopped on the road to watch them. So we watched those deer together, him in his truck, me in my living room.

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