The Farm

Jun. 05, 2003 ~ It's true what they say...

after turning forty it's just patch, patch, patch. Years ago I had trouble with carpal tunnel syndrome, but thought those days were behind me. A few recent twinges barely caught my attention. Yesterday, though, I noticed it was back for real. Or something was. Maybe it was the fall, years ago, where I landed on my thumb. It didn't break it, but caused recurring tendonitis, and in the same hand and wrist as the worst carpal tunnel problems. So one or the other, or both, or something altogether different, is happening, and really, if it wasn't so uncomfortable, it would be funny. I heard Joan Rivers quip the other day that she doesn't sleep, because every time she wakes up, something else has happened to her body! (or something along those lines) They say that old age is not for sissies... I'd have to say the same of middle age.

Still, there is much to be thankful for. If I started a list, it would be a long one, but there's that sore wrist and thumb, so... that's all for now.

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