The Farm

Jun. 03, 2003 ~ Easily pleased

It doesn't take much to make me smile. This morning I stepped outside to check the cat food situation on the porches, and glanced up to see the most unexpectedly lovely sunrise. Swaths of coral graced the sky, clouds glowed pink, and the dewy freshness of the grass was a real joy. Walking to the pen to let Dakotah out into the little pasture, I heard a funny sound. It was the goofy, happy MAAA! of a new calf, something like the bleat of a sheep, not at all what you'd expect from a bovine. In the back pasture, Bertha's new baby, only a couple of days old, was bouncing up and down the hillside. Think bucking bronco, only in miniature, and a different species. It's funny how quickly calves become active. I suppose it's nature's way of keeping them alive. They would be easy prey, were they not able to run from enemies almost from the start. And run they do. It's so much fun to watch! They form mini-herds, small groups of calves who hang out together, often with a protective auntie cow hovering nearby, keeping a watchful eye out for the children. The babies go charging around together, full of boundless energy, until the moment they run out of steam and collapse in a heap, right where they stand. They rest hard and play hard.

Yesterday the largest duck I've ever seen was floating in lazy circles on the big pond. But it was much too big to be a duck... a swan, perhaps? It turned out to be a Great Blue Heron. They've visited us for years, and this is the first time I can remember seeing one on the water. In the past, they've always stood or rested right at the water's edge.

I wound up working last night, though it was questionable right up until the last minute. It has always seemed to me that the best medicine is being up and about, being with people, and doing something useful. It was tough making the drive, and walking back and forth, carrying in supplies (a few at a time), but once I got started working, I didn't notice my discomfort nearly so much as when I was at home. It helps to be among people who don't know anything is wrong!

Today I went to a civic group meeting and managed okay. Then I ran a few errands, coming across friends and visiting with them at every stop, and enjoyed it so much.

At the library, I mentioned to one of the library ladies that I got an invitation in today's mail to join the AARP! (American Association of Retired Persons, a senior citizen's group) I remembered teasing Husband when his application arrived a few years back, and smiled at seeing my name on the envelope. They are just a few years too early, though, as I'm not quite old enough to join. The library lady expressed shock that someone MY AGE would get such a thing in the mail.

"Well, I'm nearly old enough. They jumped the gun just a little," I said.

She didn't believe me. She was sure I was way too young. Right. Uh huh.

We got to talking about our ages. She was sure I was much younger than she was. I was positive she was a good ten years younger than me, if not more. She has a very youthful appearance, and she has young children.

It turned out that we share the same birthday, and I'm exactly one year older. I honestly thought she was kidding. She asked to see my driver's license. She had a little trouble reading it without her bifocals. I pointed out the date of birth. She squinted and had to take my word for it.

I feel EXACTLY my age, and am sure I look it, too. Library Lady feels the same way about herself, but she looks so young to me. Maybe it's her smile. She's a sweetie.

Somehow, we got to talking (along with another library patron) about the ads we see on TV for various drugs, and how so often it seems that the side effects they mention are worse than the disease they aim to treat. One medication, much touted in commercials, has a side effect of "a possibly fatal infection." That one's pretty serious. They say that ignorance is bliss, and in some ways, I was happier not knowing about the latest drugs for various diseases. I also got along fine without hearing that I should sue everyone in sight, if I'm ever involved in an auto accident. How good to know that it's always someone else's fault, and that they should pay for my potential suffering. I know that these are important issues, but frankly, it depresses me to hear some of this stuff.

Boy, I sure got off track! From sunrises and baby calves, to commercials? Anyway, I'm going to lie down for a bit now. When College Boy comes home from school, maybe he'll go with me to the grocery store.

That's all for now.

Hope you've had a good day!

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