The Farm

Jun. 02, 2003 ~ Not a lot

to report. Last time I had a major back problem, I learned to stack boxes beneath my keyboard and mouse, so I could stand and type at the computer. I did that yesterday, to write a letter to Soldier Boy. At the moment I'm sitting in a chair, but that may not last. I've rested, iced, heating padded, and exercised. Took anti-inflammatories, etc. Walked to the mailbox and back yesterday (1/3 mile) and will try that again this morning.

Another bull calf was born this weekend. Looking at the herd last night, we decided that our calves come in three sizes -- small, medium and large. There are three distinct groups of animals, in terms of age and size. Funny how it happened that way. It will make it easier, come time to take them to the sale barn. It's a pain to have to take them one at a time, as it's a two-hour drive, round trip.

Yesterday someone from the sheriff's department stopped by to see if we had any missing horses. Two brown and white paints had been found, cavorting in our neighbors' gardens. We do have two brown and white paints, so I stepped into my boots and headed outside with the deputy. On the way to the barn he mentioned that these horses were shod. Ours are not. He was positive about the shoes. So we turned around, and I thanked him for his concern. He said he had tried at two of our neighbors' homes and had gotten no answer. They were probably at church. I offered to call and leave messages for them, which I did. This led to some interesting conversations. Our newest neighbor seems to have an unlisted number, but I know where he works, so I called his answering service, knowing full well that it was going to sound a little strange, but... I explained that I was the gentleman's neighbor, that stray horses were found in our area, and the deputy said that the trail started at "Mr. X's" gate. So if Mr. X had any horses, and IF they were missing... he should call this number. Hey, it made perfect sense to the the lady on the phone! A return call from our other neighbor led to an interesting conversation having little to do with the subject at hand.

And that's about all the news. I may or may not work this evening. Miracle of miracles, I have a sub lined up, ready and willing to work. She even suggested that I could call and let her know at the very last minute, which is so gracious of her. In all the time I've been with this company, I've never missed a day of work. Not one. No days off for vacation, no sick time, nothing. We never go anywhere, so the vacation thing isn't a problem, and I do get paid for vacation time whether I take it or not. As for sickness, I've never been able to find a sub when I needed one, until this time. So we'll see. I can walk around and stand without much pain, but the sitting is more of a challenge, and I would have to drive to town. So we'll see how the day goes.

Anyway, I hope you all had a nice weekend, and that you are well!

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