The Farm

May. 05, 2003 ~ Cilantro

Seems like you either love cilantro or you hate it. Is anyone neutral? I happen to love it, and think it makes a bowl of bean soup just perfect. It also gives a wonderful taste to hot sauce, which I guess is called salsa by most folks. For the first time ever, we are successfully growing cilantro in our garden. It looked pitiful for the longest time, but now it has taken off and is doing great. I plucked a leaf this morning, to savor the smell, and then wondered what to do with a single leaf. I added it to a turkey sandwich, and thought it was pretty tasty. Some people, maybe even most people, probably wouldn't care for the taste, but it was just different enough to be interesting without being overpowering.

I'd best get ready for a meeting soon, so off I go. This is going to be another busy week!

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