The Farm

Apr. 06, 2003 ~ A friend says

that I'm suffering from Homeland Battle Fatigue. That sums it up fairly well, don't you think? And I suspect that many of us feel the same way... stressed and emotional and weary of just feeling so worried all the time.

That said, today was a better day. We spent the morning in church, then went out for sandwiches after, and did some grocery shopping. Just ordinary, mundane things. I never watched the news, and felt better for it. Sometimes we just need a break from the serious, so we can lighten up a little.

Yesterday was a cow day, as we doctored the herd. They all got wormed, fly tags were put in their ears, and they got blackleg shots. Blackleg is a nasty disease in cattle, and the shots actually provide immunity against a number of other diseases, so it's money well spent. Add that to the $260 we spent last week on the horses, and I realize why our checking account balance is so low! Still, it's good to work with the cows. I mostly offered moral support this time. Drew up the injections and wormed the babies, but Husband and College Boy did most of the real work.

It rained a little yesterday and a fair amount today, for which we are very grateful. We need the rain!

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