The Farm

Apr. 07, 2003 ~ Monday

I've got to stop watching Good Morning America. Today there was upsetting footage, showing our troops after being hit by "friendly fire." We were warned it might be upsetting for small children. In the future I will take that as my cue to leave the room for awhile. There was also an interview with the parents of a young man who was killed in action. How do they do it... go on the air so soon after hearing such tragic news, and smile and tell sweet stories... how? I couldn't, but then I do not handle death well. And then there was the inevitable "letter from a soldier" segment, which chokes me up under the best of circumstances.

It's about 11:00 AM and it's still foggy outside. It usually would have burned off by now. But it looks dismal and gloomy out there, and it's chilly enough for wearing sweats again, after yesterday's shorts and blouse. The horses were sweet and friendly this morning, not a grumpy one in the bunch.

Daylight Savings Time should be helpful for Husband. He'll be able to get more farm chores done on weekday evenings. And I won't have to drive home in the dark. But it sure is hard getting used to the change.

On a cheery note, the rain has made our pastures much greener, and Husband said that the ponds had been getting low. So the weekend rain was a good thing. Not so good for the nearby towns hit by tornados. Tornadoes? That just looks wrong. The greenest area of our hay meadow is where it accidentally burned last year. Our neighbor's burned ground is equally lush. So that little accident worked out nicely.

Hey, there's the sun! Off I go.

Until next time...

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