The Farm

Jan. 31, 2003 ~ The local folks

are trying to get me to change my mind about the local job. See, a friend recommended me, and the employer is his friend, too, and he thinks we would be the PERFECT match. It's almost funny. "Give her another chance," he said. "She really, REALLY likes you!" I like her, too, very much so, but that still doesn't make it the right situation. I would be happy to have lunch with her or send business her way, but I don't think I need to work with her. sigh. But I will call her and talk to her... maybe even go by and visit with her one more time. She probably would be the world's nicest boss. Seriously. Whatever hours and days I want to work is fine with her. If something comes up and I can't or don't want to work one day, that's fine with her. She could not be more flexible. Or nicer. Part time, full time eventually, just whatever I want. Pretty impressive, really.

Truthfully, there is something in her building that stirs up my allergies. Makes it hard to breathe, hurts my throat, gives me a headache. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe mildew. But my friend says that maybe a customer had been in, wearing some really strong perfume, and that's all it was. He told me to tell the employer, that her feelings wouldn't be hurt, and it would be good to see if it was just a one-time thing. Okay.

So I will maybe give it one more try.

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