The Farm

Feb. 01, 2003 ~ It's only just happened,

but it seems that the space shuttle has exploded over Texas. Our house shook for two or three minutes. Windows rattled as if they might break. I figured there had been an explosion, but couldn't see any smoke. It felt like something had actually hit our house, something large like a bull or a cow. At first I thought a stray animal had run up on our porch and slid into the wall.

There are numerous reports of debris in this area, and we have been instructed not to touch it, to call authorities. When Husband called with the news, I couldn't believe it. This happened far from here, many miles away... closer to Dallas, I think. They felt it, too. We are over a hundred miles from Dallas, so it was a terrible explosion.

I'm a small town girl with small town thoughts. The last time I felt an explosion like this, a neighbor's barn was on fire, and huge diesel tanks exploded. So that's what I thought... something local.

That's all for now; I'm still listening to the news.

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