The Farm

Jan. 29, 2003 ~ Last night

at a meeting, someone approached me and asked if I had heard from Soldier Boy. She had such a serious look on her face that I said, "What?" She said there had been fighting in Afghanistan that day, and his division was involved. Now, this is never anything I want to hear, but it is especially hard to hear that sort of news and just go on about my business. But I thanked her for her concern, said that I hadn't heard anything and assumed he was fine, and that his is a very large division.

I came home just in time to hear the big speech on TV. I don't even know what to say about that. But it's like the old story... the chicken is INVOLVED in breakfast, but the pig is committed. The politicians are involved in a possible war, in a technical, numbers-crunching, sort of way, but the servicemen and women and their families... they're committed. While the politicians wave flags and talk about how we will win this war, military families can't help but wonder... at what cost? For the politicians, it's abstract. For us, it's all too real. For them, the question is, "Will they be re-elected?" For us, the question is, "Will our boys come home?"

Remember the possible job that I mentioned last week? Nothing has happened. Nothing. The office manager was out of town last week, but she's been back since Monday and has not yet called the recruiter. Hmmmm. Don't know what to make of this. Perhaps circumstances have changed, and they no longer need someone for that position. Perhaps they are shuffling duties among the current employees, or someone has been hired from a different agency. Or it just isn't a priority for them at this time. I'll give it a couple of more days and then will check with the recruiter (at the temp agency) again. If nothing is happening, then I guess I will consider accepting the other little job that has recently come up. Did I mention that already? A friend of a friend is looking for part-time help, and she is very flexible as to days and hours. She understands that I'm considering another position, and told me to take my time with my decision. This is so odd. Last year I was so desperate to find work and nothing was available. Now, when I wasn't looking, two possibilities sort of fell into my lap.

The other choice is local, and I could come home for lunch. I could still walk with Susan in the mornings. It doesn't pay as much, and it wouldn't be as many hours. There is no opportunity for advancement, or for bonuses. It would also mean less pressure, less stress, and less driving. The person at the local job understands about cow and horse emergencies and fences being down and things such as that. It wouldn't be a problem, she said. At the fancy-shmancy doctor's office they might not be so understanding.

Lots to think about.

Kitties all seem okay today. I put more medicine in Blackie Cat's eye, though she didn't much like it. Still, as long as she doesn't bite, it's okay if she complains.

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