The Farm

Jan. 23, 2003 ~ Beep, beep, beep!

That was my wake-up call this morning. The UPS (power backup) for the computer was hollering because the power had gone out. It's funny how we get so used to electricity. Even though I KNEW the power had been zapped, I still rolled over to look at the electric clock. Which was blank. In the bathroom, I reached for the light switch. Rigggghhht. Did that again, when I stepped on the scale. We get in these routines, and even though our minds know things are different, our bodies take a bit longer to catch on. I hopped back in bed without bothering to look at my watch. No early plans this morning, so no reason to be up so early. It wasn't even daylight yet. Instinctively I reached for the electric blanket switch. Nope.

Misha, pleased to have company, came and snuggled right next to me, roaring like a little lion. Such a purr box that one has. He is a pretty good heating pad, and he's much friendlier. Did I tell you about his hamburger? I could look through the archives, but it's easier just to tell it again. On Saturday we usually get hamburgers from a local place on the square, and Misha winds up eating maybe a third of my meat. I get extra vegetables to make up for it, so there is something in my sandwich besides bread. The other day I said something about me being on the Misha diet, which means that the cat eats part of nearly everything I eat, thereby sparing me from ingesting those calories. Maybe I should be grateful, but sometimes I WANT the whole hamburger myself! College Boy said something about how I should just get Misha his own burger, which seemed like a good solution. So when I called in the order, I asked for an extra patty of meat on the side. When the restaurant owner heard that the extra food was for a sick kitty, he said it would just cost fifty cents. But then he wound up not charging me for it at all.

Misha couldn't eat that whole patty at once, so I crumbled up the rest and stored it in the freezer for him. He had some of that hamburger meat this morning, and then he decided he really, really needed some of the barn cats' tuna, on the theory that he wants whatever somebody else is having, no matter what. It was COLD out there today, though I hear it's much colder elsewhere. But 24 degrees passes for cold here in Texas, and I put on the full cold-weather dork regalia before I dared set foot outside. Long johns, two pairs of socks, a scarf over my face, a knit cap, the whole works. I can barely move with all that on, but hey, at least I'm warm! When it's really cold out, the animals get extra food. They always seem so pleased.

And now I think I'm going to make some beef stew for tonight's dinner, while I have a nice cup of hot chocolate.

With marshmallows.

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