The Farm

Dec. 26, 2002 ~ Pop tarts

How do you wrap Pop-tarts when you send them overseas? In bubble wrap. But they still might crumble. And he might not like them. Maybe some Secret Santa sent cases and cases of Pop-tarts to "the boys" for Christmas, and the guys will all turn various shades of green if they so much as see another box. But I doubt it. It's getting hard to come up with different stuff for Son's packages. Since he hasn't requested specific brands of junk food, I'm trying to send a little of everything, just to keep it interesting. He has said that the MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat, or packaged meals) are not bad, but the portions aren't large enough for him. So I try to send food that I don't think would be in the MRE's. I think they have cookies or candy sometimes, but I don't know what specific types.

We got the check from the auction today. We were financially solvent for a few hours. It sure doesn't take long to spend money, does it? So Doofus calf is officially sold. I half-expected them to call us to come pick him up! But he's gone. Sometimes I wondered if this day would ever come. The calf sales are supposed to cover the price of feed and hay, but this check was earmarked for other things. I paid a couple of bills, then went to the store and bought groceries. While we could, I bought lots of stuff for Soldier Boy, and have filled up three boxes. Mailed one today, and will mail the others later. Not sure how often to send them. Maybe two weeks apart?

Husband is with his mother now. She is still not doing well, though he says that she seems comfortable.

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