The Farm

Dec. 25, 2002 ~ Christmas

This is a very different Christmas for us. Almost solemn. But last night's church service brought some smiles. Some friends from church have a son who has been flying missions in a no-fly zone. We parents have been sweating this out together. They expected him home on Christmas, but he arrived a day early, surprising his wife and family. You should have seen his mom's face, truly glowing, when she said he was HOME! And there they were, the son, his wife and their child, sitting in the pew with their parents. I have never seen more joy contained in such a small space. There were smiles, handshakes, and lots of general good wishes and praises all around.

On Good Morning America this morning, there were holiday greetings from various military types. Many of them said where they were stationed. But there was this one group of young men from the 82nd Airborne, who did NOT give their location. So obviously (pay close attention here), they HAD to be in Afghanistan. Therefore (are you following my logic?), one of that group of uniformed boys HAD to be Soldier Boy. You're with me on this, right? We're all in agreement? And of course it was pre-recorded, as it was daylight in the video clip, and it's already nighttime in Afghanistan. Well, yes, I do have rather a vivid imagination, now that you mention it. But it could have been him. You never know.

I hope that wherever you are, and however you celebrate, you have a wonderful, joyous holiday.


There has been word from the hospital, and it is sad news. Husband's mother is not doing well, and is not expected to make it. He and his brother are faced with difficult, painful decisions.

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