The Farm

Dec. 27, 2002 ~ No news

is good news, right? I was having a vivid dream about Soldier Boy this morning, when College Boy woke me up. I was disappointed, as something important was just about to happen in the dream. Ever have that happen? Unfinished dreams. He has been gone 32 days now, and I was doing okay with that until last week's news. Now it "feels" more dangerous. I wish I could surround him with a layer of protection... bulletproof, that would be ideal. They do have Kevlar, and it provides a good measure of protection, but many areas are still exposed.

Maybe today a letter will come. The other day I got so excited! When I grabbed the mail from the box, there was a letter adorned with red, white and blue, and I just KNEW it was from him. Wrong. I think it was an insurance company advertisement. sigh... People tell me that they hear about other military people who are able to email and call and they don't understand why we don't hear something. I tell them that it all depends on where they are stationed. It's apples and oranges. Of course I'm glad that others are able to hear from their loved ones, but this is just a different situation.

Husband is still with his mother at the hospital. She had a restless night, which means he had a restless night, too. Wish I could be there with them. I cannot speak at all now, and Son had to call Husband this morning. Husband heard me coughing in the background and insisted I go back to the doctor. Son said he would either make the call or drive me or both. I hate it when they gang up on me like that. Doc was just getting ready to leave for the day, but they will call in prescriptions for stronger meds, so maybe this will do the trick.

I canceled this morning's PT appointment, as the prospect of having a coughing spell while lying there in traction was not at all appealing.

It seems that Misha likes tapioca pudding. He's willing to try just about any food that's offered to him, though we are careful about what we give him. Sometimes I have to tell him that no, a particular food isn't good for cats to eat. Then he gives me his saddest, most pitiful look. Poor boy.

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