The Farm

Nov. 24, 2002 ~ Where is he?

Twice I've left messages on his voice mail... on Wednesday or Thursday and then yesterday, and he hasn't called back. Unlike him. My thoughts? They might be taking part in some last-minute field exercises or training. They can be out in the field for days on end. Or they might have been given one last pass before they go, and he is off base, hopefully having a good time with friends. OR his cell phone service has been canceled, but the provider neglected to disconnect his voice mail. I don't even know if that's technically possible, but I've seen strange things with cell phones, so I suspect it could be true. Or... what else? Well, he could be sick and in the hospital... that happened a few months back. Or what? Hmmmm. I don't know. But I've started packing his first box from home, and can already see that I need to get more stuff. And really, I need to get a bigger box. They only had one size available at the store, but I should be able to scout around and find some more. And now I'm experimenting with priority mail boxes. It's supposed to take two to four weeks for mail to arrive there, so "priority" may seem like a waste of money, but they do have good, sturdy boxes. And the Post Office lady told me that there may not be much difference in price, so I may try it once and see.

Anyway, baby boy, wherever you are, whatever you're doing... may God be with you and keep you safe.


Where was he? He was packing! He called shortly before noon, and had I not stayed home sick from church today, I would have missed his call. We had a good talk, but by the end of the conversation, when it was time to say good-bye, I could barely speak. I know that all over this land there are mothers and fathers, wives and children, brothers, sisters, friends... feeling this same way, saying good-bye to loved ones, hoping they return home safe and sound. So I'm not alone.

But it sure is a lonely feeling.

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