The Farm

Nov. 23, 2002 ~ Just three more days

Soldier Boy is scheduled to leave in three days. We are trying to maintain a positive attitude about this, and fully expect him to return home, safe and sound, in six months. I've already purchased the goodies (no cigarettes) for his first care package, and will mail it and a letter the day he leaves. I want him to have mail right away, and I plan to write at least once a week, if not more often. I think we'll be able to email, too, and there might be occasional phone calls.

When he was in basic training I tried to write several times a week or daily, because he was starved for mail. They were allowed little contact with the outside world, and we were his lifeline. Do you know how hard it is to write to someone daily? Kind of like writing daily journal entries! Sometimes there is just not much to say. So then it becomes a letter about not having much to say, which is pretty silly, and I wind up adding a lot of photos and other stuff to kind of fill it out.

If you are the praying type, please remember Soldier Boy and his fellow soldiers in your prayers. If you are the "good thoughts" type, please keep them in your thoughts. They need all the help they can get...

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