The Farm

Nov. 18, 2002 ~ Soldier Boy

We talked to our son last night, and as of yesterday, they are shipping out on the 26th of this month... which just happens to be Husband's birthday. Talk about bad timing. There IS no good time for him to leave, but I know Husband will have it foremost in his mind on his birthday.

I asked the boy if we could send him care packages, cookies or candy or whatever. Can you guess what he asked me to send? Cigarettes and snuff. Sheesh! If you had any idea... when he was a boy, he had asthma, numerous respiratory allergies and ailments, took twice-weekly allergy injections, and practically lived on antibiotics. That probably has something to do with his developing an allergy to penicillin, because he took it for months on end. He was constantly sick. He had a few good (healthy) years as a teenager, but once again he's constantly sick. So inhaling smoke is not really in his best interest, and he knows it. There are other health issues in his past which make smoking especially dangerous for him. He had to quit when he was in Basic Training, and he admitted that he felt much better and was in better shape physically because of it. I don't know what happened, that he picked up the habit again, but there you go. I know it's addictive (well, DUH!), but... well, I guess that's it. It's addictive and it must be enjoyable, but it would be very, very difficult for me to contribute to his habit. I suppose you could argue that smoking is the least of our worries right now, and that's a good point, but... it's just one more thing to worry about. I think he has his brother talked into sending him these things, so I will just sigh and not say anything and will send the packages of cookies and junk food. Come to think of it, THAT stuff is not particularly healthy, either.

I guess we all have our vices...

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