The Farm

Nov. 15, 2002 ~ Blackie

Susan saw Blackie this morning and thinks that he/she may have both eyes... though... well, you don't want to hear the details on this. Trust me. Now, if we could just catch the kitty and take her to the clinic. She's so friendly, through the sliding glass door. She meows, rubs against the door, touches paws to the glass with the inside cats. But open the door and step outside and she's out of here. Whoosh!

Misha had a rough night. Poor guy. He seems to be feeling better today.

It's not all that cold here, but it's windy, and the wind cuts right through you. I tried walking this morning and it was not terribly fun. I may walk another mile or so on the treadmill, and that should be enough for the day.

Not much to say today. Maybe tomorrow?

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