The Farm

Oct. 30, 2002 ~ Another Brigadoon morning here.

The treetops are hiding in the fog; mist rises from the pond. In the distance, the mournful whistle of a train... reminding me for all the world of a wail... a cry.

We aren't any richer this morning. I keep wondering why we seem to have no money, but then I look back at this year's expenses and it makes more sense. For one thing, we suspect that our dentist bought a new boat. A big one. How else do you explain Husband's sudden need for three crowns, a filling or two, and a couple of fillings for College Boy and me? By the time we got one paid for, he had to get another crown. Highly suspect, wouldn't you say? Okay, so I'm kidding about the boat. It's just bad luck on our part, all these old crowns wearing out and needing to be replaced. They far outlived their expected usefulness, so we should be grateful. But it was more than we'd bargained for, and with College Boy's medical expenses and the usual wear and tear on the house and cars, plus the fact that our insurance premiums more than doubled... I guess I feel better. That sounds silly! I mean, I guess I feel better knowing that we aren't just being careless or frivolous, that there are reasons for what's happening now, and it won't last forever.

But it's hard not to worry about money. I guess we've all been there. The rumors are flying again, and today is the day when people are supposed to be laid off from Husband's place of employment. We'll see. Maybe it's just talk.

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