The Farm

Oct. 22, 2002 ~ Lazy slug

So it's been a few days since I updated. What a lazy slug! But I have been walking every day, getting that exercise in, and have been generally busy doing things that just don't seem to show very much. You know how that goes.

The county guys were out here again today. We've been having a fair amount of rain, and the filled-in well caved in some. The county boys brought out two loads of dirt a while back, warning me that when it rained, the dirt would probably settle. Indeed it did, and there was a hole in the earth about five feet deep and about that wide. I called yesterday for more dirt, thinking it would be a while before they could make it out here (because the dirt is more like mud). It was a pleasant surprise that they came so promptly, and we do appreciate it. They left a good half-load of dirt piled on top of the well space, so if it sinks again, there will be at least some dirt to fill it with. They said it could happen several times, and they would take care of it, no matter what.

I'm having to watch my weight again. Grrrr. It's always been an issue, but now I have to be very, very careful, since my job is contingent upon maintaining my goal weight. No excuses. Well, it's good to be accountable, and it does help keep me in line, but in this case medication is causing weight gain and fluid retention, so it's more of a struggle than usual. Doesn't matter. It will work out in the end, and I'll wind up healthier for it.

Susan is coming over tomorrow to tend to Misha. He's feeling good, thanks, and doing pretty well, but he still needs quite a bit of care. This particular procedure will be rather unpleasant, and you probably don't want to hear the details, but we hope it will help him in the long run.

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