The Farm

Aug. 31, 2002 ~ Had a little trouble

with the archive page and had to delete yesterday's entry. But here it is::


Aug. 30, 2002 ~ Cute?

College Boy walked in just now. He saw me standing at the computer, smiled, and said, "Awwww... that's cute!" Cute? Standing at the computer is cute? I think not! It's called "adapting," or being creative. Dealing with it. Since it hurts to sit, even for a coupla minutes, I've done very little sitting the past couple of days. I stand, walk, or lie down. But you can accomplish quite a lot from a standing position, things you wouldn't ordinarily do. You can eat, obviously. That one's not too hard to figure out. But you can also get a lot of work done, if you put your mind to it. I can do paperwork standing at the kitchen counter, and can use the computer by putting the keyboard and mouse on boxes. The monitor tilts some, though I wish it tilted more. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that this will all pass, and things will return to some semblance of normal.


The cats are eating a little more now. They've been eating a prescription food formulated for diabetics (it's also suitable for Pepper, a non-diabetic), and they liked it for the longest time. So why did they both stop eating? They're both sick, with different problems, but it's just sad for them to not eat. We're trying a different prescription food, designed with Pepper's health problems in mind. Misha ate a good amount; Pepper is at least snacking on it. It's not really appropriate for diabetics, but at this point, it no longer matters. I could be wrong -- hey, I OFTEN seem to be wrong about this particular subject -- but I don't see how Misha can last much longer. I say those words, and then he goes tearing around the house like a kitten, wild-eyed, tail switching to and fro... and I know it's going to be hard to make this decision. We will probably depend heavily on Susan's advice.

Husband is home again. Thank goodness!

Someone needs to tell Hoppy that his leg is broken. He certainly doesn't seem to know this. I worry that he will re-break it, but it's pretty hard to confine a calf, keep him and his mother in a pen. We tried. Both animals got so agitated and upset that it defeated the purpose. So Hoppy and Brownie Jo are in the pasture with the others, and Hoppy runs and plays with the calves. Sometimes he bucks and has all his weight on just two legs. That can't be good.

Well, there's only so much you can do, and then you have to leave it alone.


And here's today's entry:

August 31, 2002

Husband got the mower fixed! Hooray, hooray, hooray! I thought the wild, rough, scraggly look didn't bother me, but after the recent rain, the grass has really grown. It bothers me, especially when people drop by unexpectedly. I feel like saying, "It doesn't always look like this!"

Hubby is mowing now, and has already done some bush-hogging, and says he might do some weed-eating after he gets the mowing done. Poor guy. Out of town all week and he comes home and has to work like a dog. He's on call this weekend, too (and Labor Day, as well). It's a toss-up. We sure need the overtime money, but he also has so much to do around here. And of course it would be great if he could get some rest and watch a little football!

The back is worse. Last night I considered a trip to the ER, but figured the ride to the hospital would probably kill me. Ha ha! So I might as well die at home. I HATE to be sick or in any way out of control or dependent upon others. Ick. Most likely the back will improve, one way or another, and things will return to normal. I don't work Monday, as it's a holiday, but I was supposed to fill in for someone on Tuesday. I have never taken a day off from this job, and have always subbed for others when I said I would. We sure do need the money. But that meeting is a forty-five minute drive from here, and at this point, I don't think I could make it. I may call my supervisor and see if she could fill in for me.

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